Why “SeenByMe”?

A few minor tweaks in how we interact is all it takes to build long-lasting happiness in ourselves and those around us.

By learning to listen and truly hear each other, we can find common ground despite any differences.

Taking a moment to make others feel seen can change their lives and yours.

Being seen is a universal human need like food, water, and shelter. To be acknowledged for who we truly are, without judgement, makes our brains produce feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin.

“We learn from an early age to audit our behaviour and keep controversial opinions to ourselves to protect our relationships, leading to stressful, unsatisfying relationships. Imagine a life where you could express yourself and always be accepted.”

The Goal

At SeenByMe, we teach and nurture curiosity: to engage with others by focusing on what we have in common, not the issues that keep us apart.

Learn to recognise your biases and to listen to others with empathy and understanding.

Seeing others means embracing their core humanity without forming a summary judgement.

With just this little tweak, you can feel happier, more accepted, and on the road to success.